Wednesday, August 1, 2007

'Thoughts on Church' - Josh McManaway

Josh McManaway, a young and bright student of biblical studies, has recently provided us his thoughts on Ecclesiology. He asked some very good questions concerning the study of the church in his opening post, "Some thoughts on church." . . .

"For whatever reason, I've been suckered into Ecclesiology. I enjoy figuring out
what exactly the "Church" is. There are a great many blogs out there
dedicated to this topic. However, something I'm noticing is that they
stay only within the New Testament for their views on the Church. Is this proper?
Is the New Testament the handbook on ekklesia? My answer: It's not *the*
handbook. We have to look not only at the New Testament, but also at the history
of the Church and how the Apostolic Fathers viewed Church, etc. How did the
earliest Christians do it after the New Testament period?”

His follow up post has already sparked a great discussion among other readers/bloggers on his site. (A New Testament Student). If you are interested in learning a bit more on the early church and its history, I recommend that you check out his blog.

[1] Josh McManaway /

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